Last Year

Last year I was in England in the spring.

Delicate pink blossom covered everything.

Gold, purple, blue and snow white flowers were seen.

In every garden, roadside, different shades of green.

I had not been in England for some years,

My memories of that land cost me tears,

For when in vain I fly to a bedside,

Too late to hear fond voices,

Some have died.

Every few years for loving, precious days,

I visit my old country,

Tread past ways.

Remaining friends are welcoming,

But here’s the thing:

This land is full of meaning and my life.

Despite long snowy winters, toil and strife,

Twas here played out the story of my dreams,

Fulfilling all my hopes and fruitful schemes.

This year I am in Canada in spring.

Pink blossom covers everything.

Gold, purple, blue and snow white flowers are seen.

In every garden, roadside, different shades of green.

Jenny Panda



 A Painting I did of Marion, a founding member of our Art Group.


It was many and many a year ago

When I first saw her doing Tai Chi.

She was wearing a golden satin suit,

Shining brightly for all to see.

And the women who followed her gentle moves

Imitated her carefully.


Kindly and clever, funny and smart,

She inspired all with tales of the past.

Marion held us enthralled with her wonderful life-

Entertained us many a laugh.


She painted the Main Street all through the year

In Spring and in Summer and Fall.

With a delicate touch, her pictures were bright,

Now hanging on many a wall.


Up to the last she continued to learn-

Painting portraits and jazz she could play.

Her brilliance continues to shine in our hearts

And inspire us for many a day.


Jenny Panda



I know no one in this area will see this. It seems as though my most avid followers live in either China or Australia!!! but on SATURDAY APRIL 21 1-3pm I presented :—-
Artful Poetry for 7-11 year olds at QEPark Community Centre in Oakville- ‘art will flow from poetry and poetry will flow from art’
Presenter- Jenny Panda-

Go to for info about all kinds of shows and events And the great people who belong to FASM!!

I do Book Talks!

This is the new cover of Tales of Glissen.

The Dragon on the cover is Tingle.

Do not let him scare you!

Tingle is a vegetarian and only uses his firey breath  to warm the secret mansion of Gladys’ rescued sisters or to create glorious firework demonstrations.

He is kind and gentle. Since his early years, after emerging from an egg, he has been cared for by the friendly  Widzer. The wizard is a great friend  of Ice Witch Glissen who lives on top of Ice Mountain with her moody black cat and helpful pixie.

The children’s novel: Tales of Glissen is in its 2nd edition and has been enjoyed by many children and adults alike, being a fairy story primarily about the kindness of friends. Delving into the  tales about the gloomy Ice Witch helps to exercise the imagination. There is much to inspire and entertain in the story which ends with a chapter full of art and story writing ideas.

A second novel in this series is Widzer’s Visit which continues the adventures of the friends and relations of characters we met in the first book.

Flidzerina a third book in the series, is still in the throes of creation and is resting, often wrestling somewhere in the author’s mind. One day it will emerge and join the other two.